About Scott Kindt

My Journey in photography began in college when I saved up for my first telescope and attached a camera to the eyepiece. This opened up a whole new way of seeing the universe. Through long exposures I was able to capture the intense red hydrogen gases in the Orion Nebula and the spiral arms of the Andromeda Galaxy. After that experience I was hooked on astrophotography. Forty years later I'm still taking astrophotos only with more advanced digital equipment and larger telescopes.
In 2024 I retired after 33 years from an amazing career of teaching High School Physics, Chemistry and Astronomy. Most of that time was spent at Berthoud High School where I was fortunate to have access to the Little Thompson Observatory where I taught Night Astronomy.

With the help of some local engineers I was able to start a ham radio club at Berthoud High School. The call sign was W0BHS and in addtion to a third place finish in the national AARL school club roundup competiton we also completed a number of other projects in the field of radio astronomy.

While teaching Physics and Chemistry I was able to spend many summers working in advanced reasearch institutes and aerospace industry production facilities. These experiences were vitally important for my new endeavour as an audio speaker engineer for Aspen Acoustics.

In 2020 during the COVID lockdown I started my speaker company Aspen Acoustics where I learned through many iterations how to successfully build dipole midrange tweeter ribbons. These ribbons are at the heart of my Lagrange speaker series.

When I'm not building Audio Speakers, one of my favorite pastimes is taking my telescope into the mountains for a night of observing and astrophotography. I'm blessed to live in Northern Colorado where I can drive for 30 minutes into the Rocky Mountains and have a canopy of glowing stars overhead. Some of my best memories are with friends and family camping in the Rockies and going to star parties.

I'm also fortunate to have an extended loving family in Lima Peru.

As an astrophotographer I'm able to share the beauty of God's creation with others. At the center of my life is my Christian faith and beautiful family.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my web page. May your skies be clear and your blessings abundant.
Daniel 12:3
Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.
